At CPC, we’re involved in missions within the community and the world. If you’re interested in volunteering or to learn more about each mission, contact the church at (208) 245-2686.
Group Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups meet on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 7:00pm. Open meeting.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) group mets Saturday nights at 7:00pm. Open meeting.
T.O.P.S. club mets Thursday mornings between 7:00am-10:00am.
Sit and Fall Proof Classes held on Tuesdays at 9:30am and Thursdays at 10:30am.
Master Gardener Meetings held September through May. Schedule tba
Our accessible, open lower level is available as a meeting space. Please contact us for more details.
Compassion International

Our congregation fights world poverty by sponsoring a child through Compassion International. Each month a different family supports the child financially. We send birthday and Christmas gifts as well. Through this sponsorship we are helping our child to grow into a responsible fulfilled Christian adult.
Operation Christmas Child

The mission of OCC is”to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ.” In 2019, we collected, packed and prayed over 103 boxes!
Little Free Pantry
The Little Free Pantry is a small, weather tight cabinet that is stocked with non-perishable foods and personal care items provided by anyone who has a little extra to spare and available for free to those who may need some help. Items vary depending on donations and weather. The pantry is located at the southwest corner of the church.
“Take what you need, Bring what you can…”
Yakutat Presbyterian Church
“We are a very small church in Yakutat, Alaska, an isolated community of around 600 people and accessible only by plane and sometimes by ferry. Our congregation had its beginnings as an Alaska Native (Tlingit Indian) mission church.” The congregation is supporting and caring for the needs of local children.
PCUSA Missionaries
Betsey and Eric Moe
The husband-wife team from Spokane are working (virtually) in Guatemala. Betsey is working as a facilitator for the Intercultural Encounters Program of the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA). CEDEPCA provides North American church groups, theological seminarians, and college/university students the opportunity to discover Guatemala in all its diversity, beauty, and complexity, and to experience the everyday life of Guatemalans through immersion programs. Betsey is part of the team that receives visiting groups, plans and facilitates their educational program and itinerary, interprets, and leads reflection discussions.
The Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) is a long time Presbyterian World Mission partner. It has close ties with many presbyteries and Presbyterian congregations across the United States. In addition to the Intercultural Encounters Program, CEDEPCA offers training in pastoral, biblical, and theological studies, offers programs in women’s empowerment, and provides ministry in times of disaster. Eric will also serve in ministry in the home with the Moes’ three school-age children.
For more information
Snack Pack Ministry
This successful mission project is putting together healthy, nutritious snacks to supplement the weekend food for our local Head Start children. We want to help bridge the gap for these little ones by providing snacks that do not need adult help to prepare and provide extra nutrition for them on the weekends and school breaks. A team of volunteers fill bags with 10 – 13 items for each child for each week throughout the school year.
Senior Citizens Meal Site
The St. Maries Meal Site provides hot, healthy meals Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. The noon meal is provided for a suggested donation of $5 for seniors and $6 for others. The Community Presbyterian Church is proud to support the meal site with our missions contributions.