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Season of Easter!
April 25, 2021
A very early Christian named Philip, by the power of the Holy Spirit, broke ground where ever he went! Watch the service here
Called to Be Different
April 18, 2021
The Beatitudes in Matthew show us the way to live as Jesus did. Watch service here.
5 Encounters
April 11, 2021
In John 20, 4 different groups encounter the resurrected Christ and we are the 5th group to encounter Jesus. Watch service here.
He Is Risen!
April 4, 2021
Easter Sunday focused on the surprising resurrection and how we are witnesses! Watch service here.
Lent 2021
“Lent in Plain Sight” by Jill J Duffield is our source of devotions and worship for the season of Lent. As she wrote “God is often at work through the ordinary, ordinary people, ordinary objects, ordinary grace. Through the ordinary, God communicates epiphanies, salvation, revelation and reconciliation. It is through the mundane that we hear God’s quiet voice.” Our attention is drawn to “ten ordinary objects that Jesus would have encountered on his way to Jerusalem.” They are so ordinary that we have all of the items: dust, bread, cross, coins, shoes, oil, coats, towels, thorns and stones right in front of us.
Lent in Plain Sight: Palm Sunday
March 28, 2021
Our Palm Sunday told the story of Jesus’ triumphant ride into Jerusalem to the tragedy of the crucifixion. Watch the video here.
Lent in Plain Sight: Oil
March 21, 2021
Oil was (and is) used for healing, cooking and anointing. Prophets, priests and kings were anointed and set apart for God’s service and this points us to Jesus. Watch the video
Lent in Plain Sight: Shoes
March 14, 2021
Shoes have existed for over 10,000 years! In the bible, they point us towards reverence to God, readiness to share the gospel and humility. Watch the service here.
Lent in Plain Sight: Coins
March 7, 2021
Coins, plain ordinary pennies and nickels and dimes represent the government, giving and even our gratitude. Watch the service here.
Lent in Plain Sight: Cross
Feb. 28, 2021
The cross is symbolic of Jesus’ purpose in life. When Jesus said deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me, he gave us our life’s purpose as well. Watch the service here.
Lent in Plain Sight: Bread
Feb. 21, 2021
One loaf of common ordinary bread is symbolic of Christ’s life, sacrificial death and resurrection, hospitality and even a reminder of God’s presence. Watch the service here.
Promises from the Psalms
God’s Promise of Love
February 14, 2021
God’s shows us hesed love. It is unconditional, one-sided and universal. Watch the service here.
Promise of Eternal Life
February 7, 2021
The promise of eternal life is for today and all of eternity for those who believe in Jesus! Watch the service here.
God’s Promise to Answer
January 31, 2021
God promises to answer our prayers, but God sets no timetables as to when or how. Watch the service here.
Promise of God’s Provision
January 24, 2021
God promises to provide for us! Watch the service here.
Promise of God’s Peace
January 17, 2021
Again, God’s promise of Peace is clear through out scriptures! In this time of pandemic, panic and pain, we can still seek peace. Watch the service here.
Promise of God’s Protection
January 10, 2021
God’s promise of protection is clear through out the scriptures, especially in Psalm 91. Then Jesus says in John 10:28-29, he will hold on to us so we can never perish. Watch the service here.
Promise of God’s Presence
January 3, 2021
Psalm 23 promises us a Shepherd who will always be with us. Jesus promises us in Matthew 28>20 to alway be with us! This is a promise we can hold on to and know we are never alone. Watch the service here
Advent 2020
I Believe in the light which has come…
Sunday, Dec. 20
John 1:1-5 speaks of the light of Christ. We celebrate the darkness which his light has overcome. Watch the service, including the virtual Christmas Program, here.
I Believe in God even when….
Sunday, Dec. 13
Luke 1:46-55 is Mary’s joyous response and praise to God. To Mary, God is not silent. But to us, God sometimes does seem silent. But there is a remedy which will lead us from despair to rejoicing! Watch the service here.
I Believe in Love even when…
Sunday, Dec. 6
Matthew 1:18-25 tells Joseph’s story. His story is one of great love for Mary and faithfulness to God. We can all learn from his legacy. Watch the service here.
I Believe even when…
Sunday, Nov. 29
Together the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah 40:1-11 and the gospel of Mark 1:1-15 offer us a unique perspective. We hear both good news of the one to come and the importance of preparation! Watch the service here.
Moving Through Matthew
What Are You Doing?
Nov. 15, 2020
Jesus tells another future oriented parable, the second of three stories. The one slave buries his master’s money effectively maintaining the status quo. What are we to do with our talents…bury or use? Watch the service here.
Are You Ready?
Nov. 8, 2020
Jesus returns to telling another future oriented parable. The bridesmaids wait as do we. How can we best wait? Watch the service here.
The Gift of All our Saints
Nov. 1, 2020
Matthew 5:1-12 lists 8 Beatitudes. Jesus calls us to join him (and all the saints) in bringing the kingdom of heaven on earth as it is in heaven. Watch the service here.
What Is Love?
Oct. 25, 2020
In Matthew 22:34-46, Jesus teaches us to Love God and love neighbor. Plus he draws our attention to the Messiah who is both Lord and Son. What’s that got to do with love? Watch the service here.
What Is God’s?
Oct. 18, 2020
In Matthew 22:15-22, religious and Jewish community leaders are still trying to trap Jesus. But his answers are always amazing. Jesus shows how deeply intelligent he is when asked about paying taxes: “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Watch the service here.
The Greatest Invitation
Oct. 11, 2020
In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus tells the story of a Father who holds a feast celebrating his son’s wedding. When it was ready, the invited refused to come. Another invitation went out to all the people in the streets. They accepted the invitation and joined the Father at the feast. Watch the service here.
Vineyards, Rocks and Jesus?
Oct. 4, 2020
In Matthew 21:33-46, Jesus tells the story of a Father, the wicked tenants of the vineyard and his son. The rejected son becomes the rejected cornerstone. The religious leaders rejected Jesus and the Father. Before we are quick to condemn them, discover how we too often reject Jesus. Watch the service here.
The Parable of 2 Sons
Sept. 27, 2020
Matthew 21:28-32 takes place after Jesus has entered Jerusalem in the final week of his earthly life. The religious leaders are questioning his authority. But Jesus is very concerned about their hearts and their lack of repentance.
So he tells them a story… the service here
The More Excellent Way 1st Corinthians 13
The 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians is often used at weddings. Paul might be surprised at that! He wrote this letter to the congregation in Corinth to show them the more excellent way to live is by love.
Sept. 13, 2020
Elder Penny Carpenter preached on Faith. Wonderful overview about faith
Watch the sermon on youtube
The Greatest is Love!
Sept. 6, 2020
In 1 Corinthians 13:13, Paul writes ….faith, hope and love..and the greatest of these is love. Then he moves into (what we’ve labeled 14:1) a challenge to pursue love. How do we do that? Watch the sermon on youtube
Now…and Then
Aug. 30, 2020
In 1 Corinthians 13:8-12, Paul emphasizes what congregations need now will not be necessary in the future. Watch the sermon on youtube.
Love bears, believes, hopes and endures!
Aug. 23, 2020
In 1 Corinthians 13:7 Paul boiled down love into four essential characteristics that love does. Watch the sermon on youtube.
Is That Love?
Aug. 16, 2020
In 1 Cor. 13:4-6 Paul gives a list of what love is…but mostly he gives the Corinthian congregation a list of what love is not! Watch the sermon on youtube.
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Aug. 9, 2020
Paul begins 1 Cor. 13:1-3 with a number of “if’s.” What’s love got to do with anything? Everything! Everything-love=nothing. Watch the sermon on youtube.
The More Excellent Way….
Aug. 2, 2020
1 Corinthians Chapter 13 is the often called the love chapter. In this chapter Paul explores the way to live the more excellent way…the way of agape love or God’s divine love as revealed in Jesus Christ. Watch the sermon on youtube.
The Book of Job
Over the next 6 weeks, our sermon series will focus on the Book of Job as he experiences despair and yet, never loses hope.
The End of the Story….
July 26, 2020
Job is changed by God’s answer. Job’s faith moves from his head to his heart as he prays for his “frenemies.” God restores Job’s community, wealth and family. Watch the service here.
Listen Up Job! part 2
July 19, 2020
God has more to say to Job. God’s answer has nothing to do with Job’s big question why. So what is God’s answer? Watch the service here.
Listen Up Job!
July 12, 2020
God answers Job by showing him creation, creativity and control are all in God’s hands. Watch the service here..
I Know!
July 5, 2020
Job continues to hope to be remembered, to know his redeemer and to experience a resurrection. Based on Job Chapters. 14-19. Watch the service here.
Lamenting with Job
June 28, 2020
Job is on a roller coaster of grief and lament. Today we lament the state of our world. But we see a glimmer of hope in Job 7:21! Based on Job Chapters 3, 4 and 7. Watch the service here.
Into the Pit
June 21, 2020
The series begins with an introduction in Chapters 1 and 2. In those 2 chapters we discover different ways to respond to suffering. Job’s response is the righteous right way. Watch the service here.
“I AM” Statements of Jesus
“I AM the bread of life”
June 7, 2020
In John 6:35, Jesus states he is the bread of life. He explains to the people in the synagogue how they will receive eternal life if they believe in him, come to him and eat his flesh and drink his blood. Spoiler alert, we don’t take this literally! Watch the service here.
“I Am the Resurrection and the Life”
May 31, 2020
In John 11:26, Jesus states that he is the resurrection. In this message, we come to a more complete understanding of resurrection, recovery and new life available and promised to us in Christ. Due to technical issues, no there is no recording.
“I Am the Vine”
May 24, 2020
In John 15:15, Jesus says he is the vine, the true vine. Declaring he is God, Jesus invites us to remain in him as only Jesus the source of everything we need. Watch the service here
“I AM the way, the truth and the life”
May 17, 2020
In John 14:1-12, Jesus says he is the way, the truth and the life. Declaring he is God, Jesus, the fulfillment of all God’s promises, provides the way into the Father. Watch the service here.
“I AM the good shepherd”
May 10, 2020
In John 10:11-18, Jesus calls himself the good shepherd. Declaring he is God, Jesus defines the perfect shepherd to lead the Lord’s flock (that’s us!) Watch the service here
“I AM the gate”
May 3, 2020
In John 10:1-11, Jesus calls himself a gate or a door. If we are the sheep of his flock, what does this mean for us? Watch the service here.
The Day of Resurrection, part 2!
April 26, 2020.
Jesus mets Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus. This was the road of broken dreams. But Jesus came along side them. He broke bread with them and their eyes were opened. Scriptures are Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19 and Luke 24: 13-35. Watch the service here.
The Day of Resurrection!
April 19, 2020
The disciples were behind locked doors out of fear but Jesus brought them peace. Scriptures are Psalm 16 and John 20:19-31. Watch the service here.